
  • 布莱恩娜·伊维根 柯里·瑟威尔 Karissa Vacker
  • 60分钟
  • After Cassie's recent break-up with her boyfriend,… After Cassie's recent break-up with her boyfriend, her personal life gets put on hold when a big-time Hollywood movie starts shooting in her sleepy small town.Jammed with cupcake orders, the last person Cassie expects to meet is a man who sweeps her off her feet, Alex. But Cassie is taken aback when she discovers Alex's true identity. He's the star of the Hollywood movie! Now, Alex's beautiful celebrity ex rolls into town. Can Cassie survive the Christmas season and sort out her feelings before the movie wraps and Alex is gone forever?


  • CCTV-6电影13集全
  • CCTV-4美洲19集全
  • 青海卫视10集全
  • 山东卫视21集全
  • CCTV-A阿语BD
  • 厦门卫视BD
  • 内蒙古卫视蒙语BD
  • 山西卫视BD


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