
  • 马西莫·吉洛蒂 Michela Belmonte Giovanni Valdambrini
  • 87分钟
  • A Fascist pilot, Lt. Gino Rossati (Massimo Girotti… A Fascist pilot, Lt. Gino Rossati (Massimo Girotti), is flying a bombing run from Italy to Greece in the early spring of 1941. He is shot down by British aircraft and becomes a prisoner of war, first of the British and later the Greeks. In one of the pris


  • 已完结
  • DVD
  • CCTV-纪录HD
  • BD
  • CCTV-纪录(英)(新加坡)24集全
  • CCTV-12法制6集全
  • CCTV-6电影6集全
  • CCTV-4美洲14期全


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